Thursday, 15 November 2007


WELL we had a nice surprise for granddads birthday paris yasmins sister was coming for a visit she was flying to eygpt from gatwick so they popped in for a hour.
it was lovely to see her and yasmin was over the moon she grows every time i see her she is only 3years 8months. paris was born on the same day as her mum yet they are so different. IF any thing yasmin looks more like her mum between the 2, still paris bought me in a great big bunch of flowers. which reminds me has any one flown on a plane because i was wondering if i could fly her to france to see my sister.its the noise levels please let me know.As i have never seen my sister new house and i wont go without her.sharon x

Monday, 5 November 2007


Well it all seems to be going well, she loves going to school by taxi every morning,waking up
is not a problem either (it is for me though)she bumped her head today and was sent to the nurse who promptly phoned to say she was alright.I Thought you should see what she does at home when she having a paddy.
Its fire work night over here as she loves to see the pretty colors she is not so keen on the loud banging she stands with her hands over her ears while screaming out horay over and over again.
weds is another appointment at the hospital for her eyes.she has a squint in both eyes but is able to move them at the same time to focus with, just as well because there is no way yas would keep glasses on.
i just like to give you all a big hug for all your nice comments and keeping me sane.thanks sharon x