Monday, 22 October 2007



Its the last day of end of term yas and i have had a whale of a time.Just hanging out eating

to much chocolate and ice cream.Laughing and generally making a mess.

Yas starts her new school tomorrow she will have to be there for 8.45am this will be a shock as her bed time is quite late but isn,t a early riser (just like her mum and me come to think of it ha!)
sometimes though i wish i could cocoon her and stay in our little world away from all the blue
meanies .my husband notices the change now when shes been home how much happier she is.
okay i know i know just sometimes.
her Audiology test was last week it cost me $34 in cab fair only to be told and i quote good hearing. Big deal i could have told him that.
What i have noticed though if i hadnt taught yas her colors, shapes,numbers and words no one else would have. certainly not playschool nor the latest school seem to have proper learning time.Is this the case in america ?
any way i will let you know how she gets on in the mean time heres the loves of my life.sharon x

OCTOBER 22 ND 2007



yas was supposed to stay until after Christmas in jan but to my surprise they asked if she could
visit a special needs school which is in the next town. we did this twice in which yas bit 2 boys and was duelly told this would be her school after end of term. so last Friday with a school mug
and a book she left her beloved nursery.

Friday, 12 October 2007



AT first crawley police with held information as to where jade died and to

this day they still haven,t told us. Friends started calling,of course with there

own version. when emma her friend rang she was histericail i couldn,t make

out what she saying it seems jade was a sleep in that chair all day with people

coming and going untill 5 pm that evening when someone commented on her color

that an ambulance was called of cause as you know it was to late.

The coroner office were as bad as the police at first i rang them every day,

he seemed to be put out to answer any of my questions. SO this is how it

was all through November, December Christmas 2006 was and still is a blur

for me.New year eve i was to see in tears and finally on feb 2nd 2007

her body was finally released. The one and only time the coroner phoned .

Sadly Paris went to live with her other grandma but we kept in touch by the way of mail ,email

visits when possible.

yas started nursery and things where looking up, she absolutely loves it and they seemed to love her.THEN it started to go wrong it seems Yasmin violent behaviour which began with her sister

is now raising it ugly head at nursery. She bites, head butts and pushes the children and staff

yas was supposed to stay until after Christmas in jan but to my surprise they asked if she could
visit a special needs school which is in the next town. we did this twice in which yas bit 2 boys and was duelly told this would be her school after end of term. so last Friday with a school mug
and a book she left her beloved nursery.


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